Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Pulled pork sandwiches
-Cold ice water
-Warm, sunny days
-Internet access
-Sterling silver jewelry
-Bandaids with fun pics/cartoon characters on them
-Comic books
-Fuji and Gala apples
-Looking forward to pay day
-Hula hoops

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Finding out my release date for an anthology
-Chocolate chip cookies straight out of the oven
-Laughing at my first draft, wondering what I was thinking
-Tortilla española
-Being dealt blackjack
-Spending time with my hubby after he was gone for a week
-Banana cream pie

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Watching mama birds feed baby birds
-Warm Spring days
-Signing my contracts
-That my husband returned from a trip.
-Stroking his beard. I haven't seen him in one in a few years.
-Scented candles
-When people do nice things for me out of the blue
-Magic beans (think Jack and the Beanstalk)

Friday, April 24, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Bumble bees
-Olive Garden's biscuits
-Heated seats in my car
-That I haven't had a splinter stuck under my skin in a really long time
-Dairy Queen Blizzards
-Quiet moments for reflection
-People in costume, like Mascots

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Cough syrup
-Not being on COBRA as of May 1
-The Purple People Eater
-The Monster Mash
-Men in uniform
-Pinstripes (both on nice suits and on baseball uniforms)
-Pujols and his RBIs
-Historic buildings
-Castles, especially in Spain
-Gothic Cathedrals

Monday, April 20, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-The pillow I just bought. Now my next doesn't hurt anymore when I awaken in the morning.
-Sugar snap pea pods
-Carnival rides
-The first robins of spring
-Silly pictures
-Parchment paper
-Blowing the seeds into the air from a dead dandelion
-Oreo pie

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-That I made it home safely after my 11 hour drive today
-Homemade chocolate chip cookies
-Garage sales. I got a leather jacket in pristine condition for $4.00
-My health
-Peter Pan
-The Tooth Fairy
-Licking my fingers after eating fried chicken
-Finally being a direct hire tomorrow rather than a temp
-My new pillow
-Lemonade at the county fair

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Knowing I have a new job waiting for me on Monday.
-The end of tax season nearing, being glad mine are done!
-Cold, Diet Dr. Pepper
-Chocolate covered doughnuts
-Being under a tornado warning but not having one form
-Cars with good gas mileage
-Italian style green beans
-Pretty nail polish
-Blueberry pancakes from Ihop

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Knowing I get to eat jelly beans tomorrow
-Cold drinking water
-Buttery popcorn
-Envelopes with pull away strips: the kind I don't have to lick
-Grapefruit juice
-That tax time is almost over
-Make believe
-Beef jerky

Friday, April 10, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Cheese pizza on Good Friday
-The quiet hum of my laptop
-Looking forward to starting my new job pretty soon
-Looking forward to a trip back to Iowa in the near future
-Audio books on my trip back
-A well placed comma
-Parchment paper
-That the tornado didn't hit where I work or where I live... Murfreesboro, TN was hit though :(
-Green beans

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Chocolate Pudding Cake w/ Vanilla ice cream after going to the gym!
-Ending Cobra and having real insurance again soon!
-That tax season is almost over!
-My father's improving health
-Robins! Spring is here!
-People who can whistle in tune
-Gizmo from the movie Gremlins

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

-Being safe through a tornado threat
-The approach of Easter
-Raspberry jelly
-The BBC
-Dill pickles
-Sunflower seeds
-Confetti (when I don't have to clean it up)
-Rock formations