Sunday, October 23, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Lazy Sundays, even when I should be doing other things

Finding objects I have been looking for. I recently found a bottle of shampoo, a bottle of conditioner, a bottle of spray gel, and a stick of deodorant. They were new, and I had been looking for them for months.

A good camera shot

Making up hours at work and then relaxing afterward

Using a coffee pot that we had previously laid to rest and thought would be buried

Funny commercials

The changing landscape with the changing of seasons

Finding more checks when I thought I was on my last book

Hearing that someone I know found a job

The moment a muscle cramp ends

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Wide open spaces

Weeping Willows

Celebrating life

Diet, caffeine free pop

Clean water

A warm bed, waiting for me at home after taking a long trip

Well behaved children



Corn stalks at harvest

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Cardinals post-season baseball

Sizzling food being cooked

85 degree weather in mid October


Seeing the fall colors on my afternoon walk

Looking forward to a motivational conference that I'll be able to attend tomorrow

Finding the error in my checkbook register

Having a bad hair day and getting to blame it on the breezy day

Playing with my new camera

The glistening off of water

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile



Post-season baseball when the Cardinals are playing

Quiet time

Low stress days

When meds kick in

A good workout


Autumn breezes before it gets too too chilly

Chocolate mouse pie