Thursday, January 1, 2009

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

  • Gatorade
  • Bathtubs in motels that don't lose water when I have the plug in drain
  • Remember to write the correct year on my checks when it is around the first of the new year
  • Washing and drying my jeans. Putting them on straight out of the dryer and not having them feel tight
  • Foot rubs
  • Slippers, especially fun ones that have animals or characters on them
  • Being back in the south where there is no snow on the ground. (it was -10 in Minneapolis before wind chill when we flew through there and it was 51 in Atlanta when we got here!)
  • When mosquito bites finally stop itching in the summer
  • Peanut butter sandwiches in our carry on bags when we took the 5:30 am flight and didn't have a chance to stop in the airport for lunch between connections
  • Being back home after three weeks of traveling!

1 comment:

JennyRascal said...

"Being back in the south where there is no snow on the ground. (it was -10 in Minneapolis before wind chill when we flew through there and it was 51 in Atlanta when we got here!)"

I can totally relate to that. I moved from Texas to Virgninia three years ago and I am not one for the snow, to be honest. Just went to Houston for Christmas and the weather was 70 degrees and lovely.
