Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Working out with the trainer at the gym

Gingerbread men

Drawing my own cartoons

The first gulp of water when I'm really thirsty

Skeleton keys

Colored paper

Mannequins with goofy expressions

Origami (I don't make it, but just to look at it that other people have done)

Pepper jack cheese

Remembering Jolt pop/soda

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Heart to heart talks and knowing the person on the other end will just accept what I've said rather than walking away or blanching at me


Goofy people

The moment feedback near speakers ends

Finding out yesterday my neighbors had a fire and that it wasn't a bad fire (and didn't spread to our place--I live in a townhouse)

Helping others learn how to do things

Creativity in all forms, even if it's just for my own amusement


Curly haired people. Gotta have solidarity somehow.

Sand dollars

Monday, March 28, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Learning that I had totally and in every way misjudged why somebody was doing something that annoyed the crap out of me today. Totally my bad.

The moment right before I use up a brand new ball point pen because I've been writing letters for the past week with the same pen.

Raisin Nut Bran cereal

The singer in a group who is completely tone deaf

Cross stitches that it seems like half the US populate has or their mother has hanging somewhere in the house.

Gift giving over the Internet

A good set of tweezers

My very understanding boss

Not falling asleep behind the wheel today

My asthma inhaler

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Having a clipboard when I need one

Suitcases with wheels. Watching old movies in which everyone has to carry theirs.

Having a decent passport picture this time around

That my co-worker is antagonizing our Indian colleagues over the upcoming India/Pakistan cricket match. Methinks they'll give him his due sometime in an unexpected way during an unexpected time.

Finding excuses to buy new stationary

Hearing my dad had a successful auction and sold the antiques/collectibles he wanted to sell that he's been accumulating for years in his den.

Having my cell phone charger when I need it.

Unsweetened grapefruit juice. Sometimes I like to taste the sour in order to appreciate the sweet.

The fancy spare tire holders on the outside of expensive RVs. I always wonder how old the tires are inside and hope the owners check them periodically for rot.

Elf ears

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Making it to the post office before they closed for the day

Finding the lid to my coffee mug so I could drink coffee while heading to the post office 10 minutes before it closed.

The whole wheat waffles I'm going to make tonight for supper and 100% real maple syrup I'm going to have with them.

Time for reflection on things I didn't want to have to think about but have been forced to. Self honesty is such a hard thing sometimes, but necessary.

Wearing sandals and forgoing socks for many warm months to come

Holding that special someone close all night. Gotta love my hubby :)

Feeling my feelings rather than pushing them away when I don't want to feel them

Victoria's Secret sales

Dogwoods blooming and birds chirping in their branches

A good night's sleep in fuzzy PJs

Friday, March 25, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Newly sharpened pencils

When the storm ends and a rainbow decides to show up

Purses big enough for a the stuff I always carry around. Almost to the point of having two computers with me at all times.

Yard sales when I'm not looking for yard sales, especially when I have spare change in my cup holder.

Cheese pizza on Friday's of Lent

Looking forward to sleeping in a little tomorrow

Writing a long letter to a friend

Animated mice

Remembering the first time I went roller skating and how bruised I was afterward

Listening to cassette tapes of myself as a little kid. I apparently broke into song at random times all the time as I child, much more so than my husband admits to doing as a child. I'm taking this comparison with a grain of salt.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Blue potato chips

Nice smelling shampoo

Gummy bears

Cashing checks I wasn't expecting

Receiving a card or letter in the mail when I wasn't expecting one

Cadbury Eggs

Reference books with logs of pictures

Remembering those old copies that were purple and had to be cranked out by hand

Watching someone nod off at work and then jerk awake when the phone rings

Bib overalls.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Words on Happiness Volume I

Barnes and Noble


This short book explores tips for happiness. Happiness here is not defined as enjoyment, pleasure, or warm fuzzies. Instead, happiness is the realization that life provides times of laughter, joy, and solace. But, it also provides times of neutrality, pain, and battle. Sometimes the battle scars are so deep that we should rightfully not have survived to tell our stories. Happiness is the acceptance of all these times and the courage to live through them.


Walk in the other guy's shoes. Before you do, sanitize them so you don't get foot fungus. After you've walked a mile in them, give them back, and respect that he might not be willing to walk in yours yet.

Give of yourself. When you die, what you've held back will be forgotten, but what you've given will be remembered by all those whose lives you've touched.

Most people act out of a desire to have their wants and needs met. They do not act out of vengeance or specifically to hurt you. If you are hurt in the process, realize that it's probably easier for the them to ignore the pain you're feeling than to deal with their own issues.

When you speak softly and carry a big stick, try not to do so in the house of someone who keeps a loaded pistol near his/her bedside.

When upset, make sure to tell the people you're talking with afterward whether or not you're looking to vent your frustration or for them to help you fix your problem. Your friends need guidance for when to listen and when to speak.

Deliver the goods you've promised. If you can't, chocolate always helps to smooth things over.

Keep your sense of awe and wonderment.

Spend time near flowering trees.

Root for the underdog, but don't necessarily place a bet on them with anything other than Monopoly money.

Hold your friends close, your enemies closer, and your family closest.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile


--Caramel apples

--Patient people

--Reliable wireless Internet

--Remembering penny candy

--Peppermint Patties


--New clothes

--Old clothes (I love garage sales, Goodwill, etc.)

--The look on someone else's face when biting into something sour

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

Babies blowing bubbles

Sparkles/glitter on clothing


100% real maple syrup

Duct tape


The first robin of Spring

Fun underwear

Watching a little girl catch the bouquet at a wedding

80s sitcoms

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ten Things That Make Me Smile

--Coffee shops that stay open til midnight (Wired in Hendersonville)

--Finishing a big project

--Being able to just joke around and be goofy

--Freshly squeezed orange juice

--50% off day at Goodwill

--When my allergies are manageable


--Washing my hands after they're sticky like after putting jam on toast


--Day Dreaming